Mercato de l'Emploi

Generalist recruitment platform facilitating entrepreneurship for recruiters and fostering employment countrywise to reduce the regional fracture.
Mercato de l'Emploi offers companies and candidates living outside French big cities the possibility to benefit from the same services offered by hunting firms in major cities thanks to a national network of independent recruiters. The result: a reduction in the regional fracture and an economic and social dynamisation of the territories.

The challenge they want to solve
Mercato de l'Emploi's mission is to fight against the regional fracture thanks to employment.
The impact they have
Mercato de l’Emploi is a generalist recruitment platform relying on a network of independent recruiters based on a MLM model. This unique model in the recruitment market benefits both recruiters (better value sharing, freelancing with support) as well as clients (local footprint & accessibility).
The way we measure it
We measure the number of recruitments made in rural areas, the number of recruitments of unemployed people and the number of successful reconversions (employees becoming independent).
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