
Advanced Lithium Power Systems to make high-performance batteries available for all types of industrial equipment.

Wattalps designs and assembles a modular battery system specifically addressing heavy duty machinery. Their batteries are more cost effective, more flexible and faster to implement than alternatives on the market.

Matthieu Desbois-Renaudin, Manuel Ronco & Jean-Noel Carminati
Grenoble, FR

The challenge they want to solve

While light vehicles are paving the way of the electric transition, heavy vehicles are lagging behind due to challenges in finding appropriate technology and infrastructure. Wattalps immersive cooling technology and unique know-how enables them to bridge the gap and unlock electrification for these types of vehicles.

The impact they have

Each Wattalps module enables the avoidance of 1.27 tCO2e and the implementation of the reconditioning sector will add to this the avoidance of an additional 1.13tCO2e per reconditioned module.

The way we measure it

We measure it with the number of modules sold and the number of CO2t emissions avoided by not using a non-electric vehicle.