
Zeffy empowers nonprofits with free and efficient fundraising, so they can focus on supporting their communities.
Zeffy has enabled thousands of charities across Canada to raise millions of dollars in online donations, run fundraising campaigns and manage their event box office at no cost. The platform allows them to increase their social impact by raising more funds thanks to an innovative remuneration model based on voluntary contributions and its intuitive interface.

The challenge they want to solve
Zeffy's mission is to support Non Profit Organisations which are engaged in many UN SDGs’ fields in their critical (and sometimes costly) process of fundraising.
The impact they have
Zeffy offers to Non Profit Organisations an efficient and costless fundraising suite, thus enabling them to increase their reach, onboard and better engage donors while saving the funds raised to fund their operations rather than pay fees.
The way we measure it
We measure both the number of charities onboarded as well as the amount raised through the platform.