
The reference platform for DTx.

AppThera is the platform that allows doctors to identify and prescribe the right digital therapy (DTx) for their patients.

Stéphane Tholander, Hélène Viatgé, Mikaly Rodriguez-Ruiz & Mathilde Brès
Paris, FR

The challenge they want to solve

The era of Digital Therapeutics (DTx) is just beginning, but their penetration has yet to take off. Although more than 350,000 health apps are available on app stores, only 100 have clinical evidence. These apps face high customer acquisition costs, often around 70% of revenue, and experience significant challenges in patient engagement, with low conversion rates.

The impact they have

Appthera aims to significantly improve disease prevention through digital therapeutics (DTx). With facilitated and reimbursed prescriptions of these solutions, a larger number of patients will have access to them and can benefit from this preventive support.

The way we measure it

We measure the number of patients with improved health following the use of Digital Therapeutics (DTx) prescribed via AppThera.