
Innovative carpooling mobile app building a new public transportation system to revolutionise the way people move everyday.

Karos is a carpooling mobile app specialised in short-distance carpooling from home-to-work journeys leveraging machine learning, big data and mobile geolocation technologies.

Olivier Binet, Tristan Croiset
Paris, FR

The challenge they want to solve

Transportation accounts for a large part of greenhouse emissions (i.e. 32% in France, equivalent to 138 mt eCO2 per year). It is therefore essential to decarbonise this sector and develop solutions to improve the everyday use of private vehicles. This is all the more true given the sector’s underlying social issues: premature deaths related to urban air pollution, lack of public transportation in rural and remote territories, inflation eroding purchasing power… 

The impact they have

Carpooling provides practical and sustainable commuting solutions where public transportation falls short. Moreover, Karos has a substantial environmental impact, with the potential to reduce CO2 emissions by 3.5 million tonnes by 2030 while maximising vehicle occupancy and improving traffic flow.  

The way we measure it

We measure the number of tons of CO2 avoided by looking at the total number of trips compared to a scenario where an app like Karos does not exist.