
Online courses to train people to be entrepreneurs, democratising business creation and with a strong impact on retraining.
LiveMentor turns entrepreneurial dreams into reality by offering innovative online training and coaching with a mentor. The objective is simple: to democratise entrepreneurship and make it easier to start a business in Europe.

The challenge they want to solve
Not everyone dares to start a business and most entrepreneurs come from privileged backgrounds (53% of them have a parent who is an executive and 80% of them have at least a bachelor degree). In this context, LiveMentor’s ambition is to democratise entrepreneurship and to address the complexity for an individual to find a relevant training to create its own business and to make it solid and viable.
The impact they have
By offering a remote efficient learning programme with great professional outcome, LiveMentor has a strong social impact for people willing to make a reconversion and/or to build their own business. LiveMentor has also defined a sustainable strategy with concrete actions such as relocating LiveMentor’s jobs in non-traditional job areas.
The way we measure it
We measure the percentage of women and trainees from QVP/ZRR and the rate of success in finding a job after training on Livementor’s platform.
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